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    • #906


      Brand / Style

      • Logo – here upload logo
      • Logo 2x – upload or put the site logo link for retina devices.
      • Logo height – specify the height of your logo.
      • Site Preloader – Enable or Disable the site preloader
      • Color scheme – choose one of the predefined schemes, or set your own scheme
      • Use block reveal slide animation – Enable or Disable.
      • Reveal block animation color – Select a color for the reveal animation. Use empty value for a default color scheme.
      • Images lightbox – Open all image links in lightbox. This setting does not work on elementor pages. Use Elementor lightbox on elementor pages.

      Home Header

      • Header variant – choose a header variant.’Background image’:
        • Header background image – here upload home header background image
        • Header height – Minimal or full header height
        • Particles – Enable or Disable the Particles
        • Header banner – insert the header banner text
        • Banner subtitle – insert the banner subtitle.
        • Header banner link label – insert label for header banner link
        • Header banner link – insert the header banner link
        • 2nd banner link label – insert the header banner link
        • 2nd banner link – insert the header banner link

        ‘Video background’:

        • Header background video – insert link on video for home header background
        • Header banner icon – insert the Font Awesome icon class(ex.: fa fa-html5) for header banner from
        • Header banner – insert the header banner text
        • Banner subtitle – insert the banner subtitle.
        • Header banner link label – insert label for header banner link
        • Header banner link – insert the header banner link
        • 2nd banner link label – insert the header banner link
        • 2nd banner link – insert the header banner link

        ‘Slider background’:

        • Header background slider – insert slider shortcode.
      • Background overlay opacity – type a number from 0 to 1 to represent an opacity of the header image overlay.
      • Header widget – enable or Disable the header widget
      • Header widget title – insert the widget title.
      • Header widget subtitle – insert the widget subtitle.
      • Header widget link label – insert the widget link label.
      • Header widget link – insert the widget link.
      • Content Padding – Default 160px 0. Use value with px or em. Example: 200px 0 or 200px 0 300px 0 or 20em 0
      • Content Padding for tablets – less than 1024px
      • Content Padding for phones – less than 767px


      • Header Style choose title and subtitle position.
      • Default header background image – here upload default header background image for all pages/posts. If you want unique custom header background image – Open the editor of the post or page where you want to display a unique custom header background image, and locate the Featured Image module on the right. Click Set Featured Image.
      • Header height – select full height or insert custom padding for change height.
      • Padding – Default 180px 0 140px 0. Use value with px or em. Example: 200px 0 or 200px 0 300px 0 or 20em 0.
      • Padding for tablets – less than 1024px.
      • Padding for phones – less than 767px.
      • Background overlay opacity – Type a number from 0 to 1 to represent an opacity of the header image overlay.
      • One Page Menu – change the mobile header menu style
      • Menu Line-through Decoration – use this option to disable or enable line-through decoration.
      • Header button label – change the header call to action button label (leave empty to hide button)
      • Header button link – Change the header call to action button link
      • Show/Hide header button on mobile screens – Change the header call to action button mobile visibility


        • Blog header background image – here upload blog header background image
        • Blog subheader – insert the Blog subheader
        • Columns Count – choose columns count(Full width image, Blog list, Two Columns, Three Columns)
        • Sidebar position – select a sidebar position for Blog Archives
        • Excerpt Length – number of words in post excerpt

      You can change the number of displayed post. For this go in Settings -> Reading -> Blog pages show at most.

      Footer Options

      • Footer Widgets Layout – choose a layout for footer widgets.
      • Copyrights – use this option to disable “current menu item” styling.


      • Select the First Font from Google Library
      • Select the First Font Properties from Google Library
      • Select the Second Font from Google Library
      • Select the Second Font Properties from Google Library
      • Select the Third Font from Google Library
      • Select the Third Font Properties from Google Library
      • Body Style
      • H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
      • Home Header title style – change the home header title style for desktop screen sizes (more than 1024px);
      • Home Header title style for tablets – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 1024px);
      • Home Header title style for phones – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 767px);
      • Header title style – change the home header title style for desktop screen sizes (more than 1024px);
      • Header title style for tablets – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 1024px);
      • Header title style for phones – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 767px);
      • Page Header title style – change the home header title style for desktop screen sizes (more than 1024px);
      • Page Header title style for tablets – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 1024px);
      • Page Header title style for phones – change the home header title style for tablet screen sizes (less than 767px);
      • Header Menu Style – change the header menu style
      • Mobile Header Menu Style – change the mobile header menu style


      • Use built-in fields – if you are using external SEO plugin you can easily turn off built-in SEO option
      • Meta Description – this is meta description for each page added in Pages section
      • Meta Keywords – meta keywords for each page added in Pages section
      • Google | Analytics – paste your Google Analytics code to track your site

      Social Profiles & Share

      • Twitter, Behance, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Google Plus+, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, VK – insert link to your profile
      • Twitter label – insert label for Twitter
      • Twitter icon – insert the Font Awesome icon class(ex.: fa fa-html5) for Twitter from
      • Twitter Widget ID – insert widget ID for connect blog to your Twitter Profile
      • Check sites for share buttons – choose channels for share buttons

      Google Maps

      • Google Maps API Key – set Google maps api key if you generate a large amount of queries to Google
      • Custom Pin Icon – upload here a Custom Pin Icon. Let it empty to use the default icon.
      • Map Style – select the map style
    • #1261


      I purchassed your theme «Digrand – Portfolio And Blog Theme» but I cannot change  the theme option, because the theme is not updated for the current version of WordPress, here is the error message attached.

      How can I fix this ? I cannot use your template completly..

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Jona17.
      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #1264



      Sorry for the inconvenience, we will check and fix it. Please wait for updates.

      Have a nice day

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